Blog Archives

January 2018 Update

Hi everyone! I hope everyone has had a good year so far and are making lots of good goals and plans for this new year. I know I myself have been taking the first few weeks of the new year to think about what I want to accomplish and goals to set.  I am in the process of redesigning my website look and how things are set up for a better viewing experience.  I have a lot of plans this year!

In the next few weeks I have a list of reviews I will be putting up and streams I will be planning. Here are a few of the things I plan on reviewing in the next bit:


  1. A place further than the Universe
  2. Sanrio Boys
  3. School Babysitters
  4. Junji Ito Collection
  5. Citrus
  6. Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san


Video Games:

  1. Horizon Zero Dawn
  2. Rise of the Tomb Raider
  3. Pokemon Moon


Games I am planning to stream:

  1. Life is Strange
  2. The vanishing of Ethan Carter
  3. What remains of Edith Finch
  4. Stardew Valley


I am also going to be doing a lot of crafting soon and may do tutorials for various things. I am planning on opening a little shop in the near future and also have a few awesome travel videos and tips and trick videos/articles that I will be working on very soon.

Is there anything you think I should check out or do? Let me know in the comments!

Serious Topic: Infertility.

This video may be a bit rambley but I don’t often talk about this aspect and I think that people should a little more. I have watched many people go through infertility and I myself have gone through it and would like to start an ongoing conversation. I think with more understanding and support it would make certain things a little better. What do you think of how Infertility is seen in our Society? Are there any questions you have or stories you would like to share? I would love to hear them and talk with you. Comment below or email me at