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~Travel Bear~ Namsan Tower and Love Locks


The second full day in Seoul we got up early and walked about a block or two from our hotel to the lift heading to the main area that takes you too N Seoul Tower also known as Namsan Tower.

105 Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan 2(i)ga-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea



You buy your tickets to the cable car that takes you up the mountain to the tower which were about $8 if I remember correctly.


Once you get up the Mountain you take a few stairs and come across a side area outside that is filled with “Love Locks” these are locks that couples or friends will write their names on it and then lock it to one of the rails or lock trees then throw the key away.


For $8 I bought a lock that they were selling and wrote my husbands and my name on it as a symbol that our love was forever.


After leaving the lock area you go up a few more steps to a large outside courtyard that has many beautiful trees, flowers, pagoda type gazebos and lots of great picture spots.


When you go into the tower there is a concession stand where you can get several different types of popcorn, fried squid, roasted yams and a few other snacks you can get and then go to the top and eat while you look out over the city. When you get on the elevator that takes you to the top you look up and there is a screen that makes it look like your in a rocket and it blasts you into space as you go up. It is a cool thing to do for sure!


Once your at the top you can walk around the entire thing and look out over Seoul and see mountains surrounding you on all sides just about. There are binoculars you can use to see farther as well. At the top of the tower there is a candy shop, gift shops and a few more cool picture spots.


We thought it was funny when we went into the bathroom and the whole side on the stall was just glass looking out. You could hear girls go into the stall and gasp slightly when they saw the window.



There were lots of neat shops inside the tower as well as a Hello Kitty Museum and Hello Kitty Store. Lots of souvenirs to choose from and lots of great memories to make.

Have you ever been here? Do you want to? Tell me about your visit or why you want to go here in the comments!

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Heading to Korea ~Day 1~

This was my first day of adventure heading to South Korea! I went from Birmingham, AL to Dallas,TX then to Narita, Japan and finally to Seoul, South Korea. It was such a long day and I went through 4 airports and was on a plane for a total  of around 21 hours.

I flew with American Airlines and Japan Airlines and let me tell you, Japan Airlines is fantastic, the hostesses were so caring and attentive to make sure the flight was as comfortable as it could be. The food was good and man did they keep on feeding you.

It was so great to see my friend in South Korea, we hadn’t seen each other in over 7 years! The moment I entered South Korea I fell in love with the Country.

Stay tuned for many more videos about my adventures, tips and tricks and much more!

~Back from South Korea~

Whew, So I have been back from South Korea for less than two days and let me tell you jet lag is real. I had such a fantastic time over there and have so many pictures, videos and stories to share. I will be working on getting lots of fun and interesting posts up soon so be on the look out.

I learned a lot over there about the best ways to travel around and tips and tricks to make your trip easier all around. During my trip I flew on two different airlines, stayed in 4 different guesthouses and hotels and went to 7 different cities. I went to so many attractions and ate so many things.

Can’t wait to share with you all!

Travel Bear: 5 hours till heading to Korea

Oh my goodness, I am not fully believing of the fact that in 5 hours I will be on my way to South Korea. This trip has been a dream and a promise for 8 years now and it is finally happening. I am starting to get a bit nervous which thankfully I have kept at bay this entire time. I am not very fond of flying but am hoping for the best. This will be my first time overseas and in moments seems overwhelming.

I will be doing so much and will be documenting every step of the way so please look forward to a wave of new content, blog posts, tips and tricks, and videos in the coming month. I look forward to this amazing adventure and am so thankful for my best friend: my husband who without him this would not be possible.


Money Saving Resources for Home School

Home Schooling can be expensive. In the state I live in you have to be under a Cover School to be able to Home School and to be under an accredited one you usually have to pay tuition which I do. So between: tuition to be covered in my state, the text books, novels, experiments, and just supplies in general- It gets super expensive to get through the year.

This next year however I wanted to see if there were ways to save some money while still getting the things I need. Now we enter High School this next school year (dun dun duuuun) and right off the bat our tuition goes up and we will have to pay for various tests throughout the next few years. I prepare my school year for the most part as early as I can to have it ready to go and so here are a few tips and tricks I have been finding to save some munnies~

  1. – let me just say LOVE this site. I have been able to get several of the text books and novels for super cheap. Now most of these books are used but you are able to shop different conditions for different prices. After getting 3 different text books that would have cost me around $400 if I had to buy them new , I spent only $25. They came in quickly and there was minimal ware and tear on each of them, super usable and the small areas of boo boo’s can be over looked easily. I will be buying more books from this site for sure.
  2. I started using Khan Academy and all the resources and classes they offer. We love it, the math is easy to learn as they show you step by step processes and give you hints when you need them. They have a wide variety of course material and the best part: It is FREE. We like using anything we can on there and will continue to do so the next few years.
  3. I make full use out of book store “memberships” we renew our Books.a.million membership every year and it pays for itself in the first month most of the time. I get a lot of great sales and coupons through email and wind up saving a lot of money using them.
  4. The Library: seriously people the Library is great. It is free and has a lot to offer. We can get the next reading material here and we enjoy getting out of the house just to go here. Find your local Library and get a card and take full advantage of it!
  5. Hobby Lobby sales, I will wait till the things I need are on the sale paper for sure. Plus every week the 40% coupon comes in handy if there is something that I need right then. I try to keep an eye out for science kit sales and craft sales and do my best to plan ahead for things I will need.


What are some ways you save money? Do you use any of the ways listed above? Let me know in the comments! 🙂