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Learning new things

So for an early Anniversary present my wonderful husband let me get a new language program for learning Korean. I did a lot of research over a few days t make sure I was getting the right one for me. At first I gravitated towards the Rosetta Stone program of which I own the Japanese version and was a fan of. I was just going to buy it outright and then figured if I was going to make a purchase like that I really did need to read over the reviews and research more than just that one. Thankfully I did as I found that much of the reviews were somewhat negative. Many from those who have used and really liked the Rosetta Stone programs before, they mainly said that the way the Rosetta program is set up does not work as well with Korean.

I looked up review after review of different people going through various programs online and text books and some that included lots of aspects. I finally settled on the Living Language Complete Edition Korean. It came with 3 texts that takes you through beginner, intermediate and advanced language skills. It also comes with a reading and writing manual, notebook and audio companion for the texts. I got this program from Books a Million online for about $50 (which is nice compared to the $200 price tag for a Rosetta Stone.)

So far in my studies I like how the texts are set up and that the audio companion will take you through the pronounciation for each lesson multiple times for practice. The reading and writing manual is simple and easily understood. As well as the texts and hard copy items I have I can also seek extra help and resources on Living Languages website which is nice.

Along with the main program im using I also make use of many internet resources that help with writing and reading as well as vocabulary, ill post some links to sites I recommend and am fond of.

Have you learned or are learning a new language? What ways of studying helps you the most? Is the a specific program you like to use? Tell me about it in the comments!

Talk To Me In Korean

There are many sites you can find and use! Is there a really great site you use? Share it with me 🙂