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New series I am looking forward to

There are so many new anime series that have just come out or are coming out that I am very much looking forward to. Here is a list of the top 4 series I am excited for after having been a fan of the manga:

  1. First Love Monster: This series is about a high school girl who is normally spoiled and coddled, she is rescued by a young man who is the first person to scold her and so she falls for him instantly. This story has a lot of quirky characters and a few twists that complicate this first love.
  2. The Morose Mononokean: This story has spirits and demons and mysteries under the surface concerning the main characters. There is humor and seriousness that has a fairly good balance.
  3. Sweetness and Lightning: A father and his daughter live day to day after losing their wife and mother. They meet a young girl who starts helping them with learning how to cook more food and to open up more to others. There are lots of cute scenes and lots of yummy looking foods so don’t watch if your hungry!
  4. Orange: This series is alot more complicated and serious in my opinion than the others. It centers around a group of friends who receive letters from their future selves in order to try and prevent a tragedy concerning one of their friends. Lots of emotions run high in this story but it is a beautiful story where friendship is very important.

First Impressions: Haven’t you heard? Im Sakamoto

A quirky anime about a cool and stylish student named Sakamoto who is the subject of resentment from his fellow male students and the crushes from his female peers (and some of his male ones). He handles every situation with grace and style, though many of the situations are a little silly from sword fighting with a Bee to battleing forces of nature.

The series consists of 13 episodes and is packed with zany fun in each one. Since being simulcasted starting in April I have come across many a posting across internet sites of funny moments. A little late to the game but I finally found this series and think it is def one to sit back and watch.

Have you watched  this one? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments!

Gugure! Kokkuri-san.

Wow, so this series is brilliant just to let you know right away. 😀 It has been airing since Oct. and is ongoing for the moment. I have found myself laughing so often at this series it is quirky and silly in all the right ways.

It centers around an Elementary School girl who lives alone and is a self proclaimed “Doll”. Her name is Kohina and she is seemingly emotionless and lives off of instant noodles. One day she plays a game called “Kokkuri” where she calls a fox spirit who takes it upon himself to be her guardian and help her become more human and healthier (he takes away her noodles much of the time much to her dismay). Soon she finds herself the center of attention between the Fox spirit, a Vengeful dog spirit and a old man Tanuki. Each character is so funny and has their odd traits that even though very different from one another work so well as a whole.

Check this one out if you haven’t already! Let me know what you think of it and who your favorite character is! :3