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Serious Post- Tragedy

We have seen so much tragedy the past few weeks and it has left me in a constant state of thought. Ive read peoples statuses and articles and have been so glad to see such support from most everyone (though there are still a sprinkling of rotten people). The Pulse massacre in Orlando broke my heart, I just thought about what if. What if it had been at one of the clubs my close friends work at in Dallas? Then I thought that all these people that lost their lives to soon WERE all my friends, they were me, they were family. The thought that this can happen anywhere really is scary but I am glad that everyone isn’t just hiding away, ignoring it. We need to stay strong and fight against the injustice, the ignorance that seems too prevalent in this society. We need to have a nation wide conversation about, understanding, taking care of mental illness instead of treating it like a taboo, safety, acceptance and equality. We can be one Great America but we will never be Great unless we are able to join together.
To my LGBTQ brothers and sisters, we are strong. I love each and every one of you and hope from the bottom of my heart it’s getting better. Strides have been made the past few years, there may be dark days and snags in the road but as long as we continue to move forward it will get better.
To all my fellow humans, be good to one another. Try and make a difference in someones day, be kind when you don’t want to be. Don’t act on your childish rage on the road or at the store or eating out, you are better than that. You have no idea what someone else goes though every day. Your impatience and ignorance and unkind words and actions towards someone could be the straw that broke their back and they decide that there is no point in them being alive. You have no idea what has happened in their day, they could have lost someone, been through hell and back and if you are not able to help out by simply being kind and compassionate then please shut up and think before you act. I’m tired of my friends dying too young, whether it was out of their power or was by their own hand, im tired.
To any of you, if you want to talk about anything at all, I am here for you. If you feel alone, I am here for you. Let’s show people LOVE wins.