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Check Out This Kawaii Commission!

Thanks so much to: for the super cute chibi commission they did for me! Great communication and quick work!


First Impressions: Wakaba*Girl

MOE. That is all.

Kidding ha ha. This series is super cute and simple and a joy to watch for sure. Each episode only lasts around 8 mins and you just don’t get tired of watching the silly shenanigans these four girls get in to. The story mainly focuses on Wakaba who is a daughter from a very rich family and who has not led a seemingly normal adolescence. Now that she is in high school she is very happy to have made some girl friends and gets to do the things she thinks a “gyaru” (a girly type) would do. Each of her new friends is unique and they all fit together well. There is the pure and girly Moeko, Mao who refers to herself in third person, and Nao who likes games of the BL type. 0_0.

These four girls have silly and fun conversations and interactions that leaves you giggling and at times shaking your head. I highly recommend watching this is you want a simple relaxing thing to watch.

Have you seen this yet? What do you think of it? Are there any other series you know of that are similar to this one? Let me know in the comments!

First Impressions: KINMOZA!

Kin-iro Mosaic also known as Kinmoza! is one of my latest finds to watch. Right away the animation is super cute, and light hearted which is always nice to relax and watch. The story revolves mainly around two girls from different parts of the world who are brought together by their interest in the other one’s culture.

Shinobu Omiya is a happy energetic Japanese school girl who, while in junior high stayed at a homestay program to England where she met the adorable (much to Shino’s happiness, blond) girl, Alice Cartelet. Their first bit of time together is difficult for Alice because of the language barrier and her shyness. She quickly sees Shino’s charm and they become closer even if they can not understand each other very well. Their blooming friendship makes Alice fall in love with Japan and spurs her into learning the language and culture so that she can study in Japan to be with Shino.

Shino and Alice are surrounded by fun friends who all have their unique personality. They all seem to enjoy their school lives and enjoy each others friendship dearly. There is defiantly some shojo-ai in the mix that is comedic and sweet because of the jealousy and interests of some of the girls.

First impression is I love it! It is super cute and light! The artwork is fun and colorful, and there is just the right amount of silly >_<. If you like anime like this, check It out!

Have you watched this series before? What did you think about it? Are there any other series similar to this one you would suggest? Let me know about it in the comments!