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~How I got into Asian Dramas~

I love Asian Dramas! There is not enough time in the day to watch them all! >_<

The first time I watched an Asian drama was when I was in 8th grade and obsessed with all sorts of anime and manga. One of the series I was really into was called “Hana Kimi” it’s a manga series and I was bummed that there wasn’t an anime. While looking for an anime for the series I came across the “Hana Kimi Taiwan drama” and thought it was cool that there was a live-action. From the first episode I dived in head first and never looked back. I would spend hours watching the series and would get in trouble on more than one occasion for taking so much bandwidth up from the internet :/ . I loved the actors who portrayed my favorite characters and began to want to know more about them and the other things they did.

From “Hana Kimi Taiwan” I found the Japanese version and slowly just started to watch all sorts of dramas that were usually based off of manga series. After awhile I backed off the dramas until I was in 10th grade. During this year I met some great friends from Korea while they were here with an exchange program. I quickly became fairly close with them and they would talk about a specific Korean drama sometimes called “Boys over Flowers”. After finding out I liked Dramas we all started watching the series when the episodes would air and then talk about them at school. We would usually chat about Lee Min Ho’s character Jun Pyo with his beautimus curls >_<, no matter what country you are from girls will be girls.

It was great that we could all share something like this drama and it was a great connection. I’m still friends with them and talk to them often over Kakao Talk, I ask them which Dramas they are into and they will suggest several which I will then go start watching right away so we can all talk about them ^_^.

I watch a lot more now being pulled into them again with much intensity because of the series “You’re Beautiful” and “Absolute Darling”, these are some of my favorite series I just watch over and over (mainly just my favorite parts. I find myself cracking up much of the time and have been caught by my husband bawling like a baby other times while watching Dramas. They are fun and light but also serious, I love the stories and like finding a few select actors I take a shine to.

Do you like Asian Dramas? What are some of your favorite series and actors? Let me know in the comments!

Ai Ore! ~Love me~

Story and art by: Mayu Shingo there is 8 volumes and a live action film that came out in 2012.

“The Boy (who looks like a girl) Meets Girl (who looks like a boy)”

Mizuki is the prince of her all girls school and the guitarist for a band. After the lead singer has to move away the band has to find a new singer. Enter Akira who is adorable and persistent and…a guy?! Even though it’s an all girls band Akira manages to take the place of lead singer and pushes Mizuki’s boundaries to get close to her.

Even though Mizuki acts cool and boyish she is actually very shy and girly, which is the opposite of Akira who looks adorable but is strong and ruthless when people cross him or touch his things. It’s a humorous and at times awkward love story about odd stereotypical roll reversals. It shows that you shouldn’t judge how people look and instead get to know who they are, it may surprise you.

I loved this manga and found myself laughing and face palming at embarrassing moments throughout the series. Even though Akira is small and girly looking he is very much a protector and a prince. I definitely relate to Mizuki because of her height and attitude and how sometimes its hard to let others take the lead or to trust them. I recommend this series for sure :).

Have you read this series? What did you think about it? Tell me in the comments! ^_^