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~New Korean Dramas I’ve been checking out~

As the Summer comes to a close and Fall is in the air I find myself wanting to curl up with my crochet project and watch some Dramas. I renewed my Dramafever account and dived into the new shows I have missed. Here are a few i’ve been watching.

Cinderella and Four Knights: This is a cute drama that is currently coming out on DramaFever. It centers around a hard working girl who does not have a great home life and three well off cousins who each have their own lives and issues. She finds her self thrown into the middle of the cousins with the mission to change them for the better and stop them from misbehaving. You will have your favorite cousin for sure and find yourself laughing and feeling bad with the characters.

Scarlet Heart: Ryeo: This one caught my eye because of some scenes posted on DramaFevers facebook page. It is a period drama taking place in the Goryeo period of Korea. A modern day girl finds herself thrown into the past and around several princes whose fate she knows a little about. She knows that something bad occurs during this time involving the royal family. She finds her self growing closer to the royal family and learning more about them as individuals. Who is your favorite Prince?

Bromance: This is a Tawainese drama that aired in 2015 and man I got hooked on this and binged the whole series. It’s a funny/serious/complicated gender-bender romance that involves gangsters, sworn “brothers”, and several romances. The main character is a girl who has had to live as a man for 26 years because of a fortune. She is so close to being able to live as a girl when she rescues a gang leader and becomes sworn brothers with him. This complicates her life since people are not supposed to know she is a girl until the time is right. She becomes best friends with the Leader and gets thrown in a lot of drama involving several other characters. If you like gender-bent dramas then this is one to check out.

What Dramas have you been watching? Let me know so I can check them out!

~Ranma 1/2~ Don’t get wet!

Ranma 1/2 was the second series I was introduced to that was created by Rumiko Takahashi the first being “Inuyasha”. There are 38 volumes of manga, over 150 episodes of anime and even a few full-length films. I always thought this series was very comedic and silly but also had a few serious moments here and there that made you closer to the characters. Warning, however, there is lots of boobies all throughout the series, it is mainly about a boy who gets turned into a girl if he gets wet with cold water so…yeah he has no shame. 6_6

The story revolves around a boy named Ranma, who fell into a cursed spring along with his father on a training mission. The aftermath of them falling into the spring Ranma turns into a girl any time he is splashed with cold water, and his father turns into a large panda. They come to live with another family the Tendo’s who own a dojo. Ranma is betrothed to one of the three daughters, and it is decided the lucky girl is tough as nails Akane who seems to think Ranma is irritating and a clod. The hilarity ensues as multiple love triangles form, and each person has their own curses and past.

A large part of the plot is the various types of martial arts each person uses to fight with. Some of the moves are wacky but none the less interesting. Lots of rivalries occur between the characters, and the fights are always entertaining and fun. Check it out and let me know what you think about this series!