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Divinity Original Sin = A+ Couple Game

Divinity is a one-player/multiplayer fantasy role play video game that is very reminiscent of Dungeons and Dragons to my Husband and I. This game is jam packed with content, we played 30 hours in the first town making sure we didn’t miss anything at all in that map. The game play is really good for co-op in my opinion because you are able to lock your screen into a split screen and both people can go off and do whatever and not be held down by the other player.

There is so much content from talking with lots of NPC’s, getting quests, making things to sell, fights and exploring the maps. The fighting system is turn based and goes by initiative similar to the D&D system. There is a fighting style for everyone, if you like magic casting, long range bow shooting, sneaky close range dagger slicing, or tank two handed sword/axe bashing.

This game was partially funded by Kick starter and has become critically alclaimed with a sequel now in the works! I think this game is great for couples to play together or just by yourself. This is a team work building game with so much fun fantasy aspects that draw you in to the story.

What do you think of this game? Let me know in the comments!