Reading Rewards With My Daughter

My daughter and I both LOVE to read. I think it is very important, no matter how old you are to pick up a book any time you can. At the start of this home school year I decided to use my blank entry door as a backdrop for a reading reward idea I had. I cut out various shapes from construction paper, one shape for individual *on your own time* reading and one for, either novels we finish in school or ones we read together out loud. Every time we finish a book we write the title on the shape and then tape it to the door. Every 20 books there is a reward to be had: at 20 we had a movie night where she got to pick a movie to rent and snacks to eat, at 40 she got to pick a restaurant (we do not eat out often) and we went to Olive Garden. Right now we are at 43 working our way up. I will usually let her know what the next reward will be except for the 100 book mark. I think it will be cool to have a larger surprise for 100 books. For younger kids I would maybe do a little reward every 5-10 and have a big reward at a much lower number.

Here is a link to another page that has reading reward programs all around (mainly for k-6 maybe through 8th. I find that for the older kids it is harder to find programs for them)-

This is a program that is for k-12 and earns your kid a T-shirt after compleating the list. Many of the books on these lists are one they would normally finish in school, may as well have a fun reward!

Even Pizzahut has a book-it program:


Do you know of any programs that are neat? Let me know in the comments!

Posted on March 26, 2016, in Homeschool, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Only one of my kids is a big reader (so far), but he didn’t really start to love it until about 8th grade, so I’m not giving up hope. We’ve tried the pizza hut and six flags programs, but even that wasn’t enough motivation, and just leaves me frustrated.


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