~My Love Story! ( Ore Monogatari!)~

My Love Story! is a manga as well as an anime series that is airing on Crunchyroll. It is so funny and good! It centers around a behemoth of a high school boy named Takeo, his good looking apathetic friend Makoto and the super sweet and cute girl Yamato.

Takeo is used to never being liked by the opposite sex since all the girls always go for his best friend, Suna. He is loyal, strong and quite the hero without thinking about it very much. He is a goob much of the time to Suna’s great amusement. One day he saves a girl Yamato from a train pervert and immediately falls in love with her. After several misunderstandings on his part, they start dating making a very awkward first love couple that is very cute and silly.

There is a lot of emphasis on not judging a book by its cover and making sure to get to know people for who they are and not what they look like. So far I love this anime and have laughed so hard several times at some of the crazy antics this boy gets into. Defiantly check this one out!

What do you think of this series? Yay or Nay? Let me know in the comments!

Posted on May 18, 2015, in Anime and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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